Saturday, June 27, 2009

Starting a Household Budget and Sticking To It

Steve Castles, of Equity Mortgage- our Southern Maryland Money Minded Man, will share with us information about starting a household budget and sticking to. He will explain how this is analogous to living a health-conscious lifestyle. Just as exercise and a good diet are needed to stay physically healthy, wise spending and living within your means are needed to stay financially healthy. With a bit of discipline and an eye to keeping records, you'll find it easy to live on a budget.

Count Your Financial Calories

You may need to slash your spending to stay on budget. The only way to accomplish this is by doing some adding and subtracting, tracking your expenses and your income. Many people prefer to track their finances online or using specialized budget software, but a simple spreadsheet on your computer or a pad of paper and pencil will do just as well. Steve is going to give us financial information, mortgage information and just plain good business information. Stay tuned as Steve Shares his knowlege of Southern Maryland Real Estate and as he interviews the business community. His upcoming articles will be fill with information you won't want to miss.

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